Monday, October 17, 2016

The Muscular System

The function of the Muscular System is providing movement of the body. The muscles do this by contracting and moving the bones. The Muscular System is responsible for pretty much all movement of the body. This including the movement of your legs when walking, or the beating of the heart which pumps blood throughout the body.

There are three major organs or types of muscle that are apart of the Muscular System:

Smooth Muscle: The function of Smooth Muscle is to help food pass through the Digestive System and push food up into the esophagus in situations of vomiting. In addition, Smooth Muscle helps to push urine out of the body. In cases when women are giving birth, Smooth Muscle help push the baby out of the body. Smooth Muscle also affect the diameter of blood vessels.

Cardiac Muscle: The function of Cardiac Muscle is contraction to cause the heart to beat. This action causes the heart to pump blood to blood vessels throughout the body.

Skeletal Muscle: The function of Skeletal Muscle is support and movement. Skeletal Muscle move the body by contracting and pulling on the tendons, which are connected to bones. Skeletal Muscle support organs and shield internal tissues. In addition, Skeletal Muscle maintain posture, body position, and body temperature. Skeletal Muscle also breakdown proteins. 

The Muscular System works with the Nervous System, Digestive System, Circulatory System, and the Lymph System. The Muscular System works with the Nervous System because of obvious reasons. You usually have to think before you move. Even if thinking is not involved, the neurons of the Nervous System are connected to most of the cells in the Muscular System. The Muscular System interacts with the Circulatory System and Lymph System because Smooth Muscle surround these systems. In addition, because Smooth Muscle of the Muscular System also line the Digestive System, it helps move food through the intestines. 

The Muscular System is like an assembly line because:
  • if something, usually a component, lacks or doesn't function properly nothing else can do their job
  • these systems are controlled by a single authority
The Muscular System is like an assembly line because if something lacks or messes up nothing of the system can do their job properly. This applies to the Muscular System because if one of the muscles doesn't function properly, the movement of the body won't come through. This situation is like how if a worker in the assembly line lacks, the rest of the assembly line can't do their job. In addition, the Muscular System is like an assembly line because both are controlled by a single authority or boss to do a certain job. In this case, the Muscular System is controlled by the brain of the Nervous System to perform a specific movement of the body just like how the assembly line is controlled by one company to create a certain product.

Structure and Function
Unlike Smooth Muscle, Skeletal Muscle have a striated appearance. Myofibrils are any of the elongated contractile threads found in striated muscle cells. Myofibrils are composed of actin and myosin filaments, repeated in units called sarcomeres. These sacromeres are the basic functional units of the muscle fiber. The sarcomere is responsible for the striated appearance of skeletal muscle. In addition, sacromeres also form the basic machinery necessary for muscle contraction. Knowing this information, I believe that because Skeletal Muscle contain sacromeres and have a striated appearance, they are responsible for muscle contraction.


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