Thursday, October 6, 2016

Diffusion 10/9
 Have you ever wondered how a smell can travel through the room? Like how the smell of your mother's homemade cookies can travel from the kitchen to your room. This happens because of Diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Osmosis is a type of Diffusion. Osmosis is the movement of water from an area of high concentration of water to an area of low concentration of water. Osmosis has has different types as well. The three types of Osmosis are Isotonic, Hypotonic, and Hypertonic. Isotonic happens if the concentration solute is equal on both sides. In this situation, the solvent will move back an forth, but the amounts will stay the same. Hypotonic happens when there are less solute molecules outside of the cell. In this situation, the solvent will move inside the cell. Hypertonic happens when there is more solute molecules outside of the cell. In this case, water will move out of the cell. Now we know the definitions, but you may be thinking, what does solute and solvent even mean? Solute is the solid part of a solution, such as salt. Solvent is the liquid part of a solution, such as water.

S&EP - SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
I identified questions to be investigated when I asked if the red Gatorade (solvent) would make the egg Isotonic, Hypotonic, or Hypertonic. I identified my variables and controls. The manipulated variable was the solvent the egg would sit in overnight. The responding variable was that in response of sitting in the solvent overnight, the size and weight of the egg will change. Lastly, the controlled variables or controls were the size of the container, the amount of solvent, and the time the egg had been soaking in the solvent. I designed and performed experiments to test my hypotheses. I thought that the situation would be hypertonic and that the egg would shrink, the water would move out of the egg, and proved this hypothesis by giving evidence saying that the red Gatorade (solvent) had more solute than the egg. I decided to collect information on the weight of the egg, the steps we took, and what we noticed and observed (data). I also chose to control how much solvent the egg would soak in overnight because the amounts of solvent or all of the eggs need to be the same in order for the experiment to work properly. I refined my experiment when the data I obtained did not answer the question, when my group popped the egg to see if any solvent entered the egg.

XCC: Scale, proportion, and quantity
Diffusion and Osmosis is affected by proportion because the amount of solvent and solute determines what type of Osmosis the situation is. When the concentration of solute is equal on both sides of the situation, it is Isotonic. In this case, the solvent will move back and forth but the amounts of solute to solvent won't change. When there is less solute in one side of the situation, it is Hypotonic. In this case, the solvent will move from the side with less solute to the other side of the situation. When there is more solute on one side of the situation, it is Hypertonic. In this case, the solvent from the other side of the situation will move to the side with more solute. The different amounts of solute and solvent of a situation determines what type of Osmosis the situation is. Understanding scales and proportions can help me "take over the world" by giving me some specific information about how different proportions can affect things in a certain way. This information can help me in the future, especially if I choose to specialize in a career that deals with scales and proportions.

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