Thursday, September 22, 2016

Macromolecules 9/25
A macromolecule is a molecule containing a very large number of atoms. There are four different macromolecules. One being carbohydrates, another being nucleic acids, the third being lipids, and the fourth and last one being proteins. Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Nucleic acids are made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and phosphorus. Lipids are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Lastly, proteins are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and some have sulfur. Each of  these macromolecules are very important to living organisms. This is due to the specific functions that each macromolecules perform for living organisms and cells. The function of carbohydrates, also known as carbs, is to provide energy for the cell and carbohydrates are components of some cell parts. The function of nucleic acids is that they contain DNA and RNA. This is important because DNA contains information that the cell needs to perform its functions, while the RNA has codes for making proteins for the cell. The function of lipids is to store energy for the cell. Proteins are parts of the cell membrane and form most of the organelles. Proteins also regulate growth and development and transport oxygen and other substances. In addition, proteins increase rate of chemical reactions that occur within the cell. Each macromolecule also has a monomer or many identical molecules that together form the complete polymer. Monomers can also be known as the simplest form of the macromolecule. The monomer of carbohydrates is saccharide, the monomer of nucleic acid is nucleotide, the monomer of lipids is fatty acid, and the monomer of proteins is amino acid.

S&EP - SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence
I used evidence to defend my explanation. I took notes providing a slide show we went through in class as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that an example of carbohydrates is pasta, using my notes as evidence. I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that there were no other examples of nucleic acid, but because of some extra research now I think that there are many other examples of nucleic acid, one being fish. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on different examples of each macromolecule which I discussed with a partner I was working with. Together we figured out at least four different examples for each macromolecule.

XCC: Structure and Function
The structure of carbohydrates determines how the energy stored in carbohydrate bonds during photosynthesis and how breaking these bonds releases energy during cellular respiration. The function of nucleic acid depends on the structure because, the bases of the DNA molecule are grouped in threes called codons. These codons are complementary with a amino acid carrying RNA the other of the codons determines the order of the amino acids which determines protein function. The structure of lipids depends on it's structure because it's structure contains long chains of fatty acid C.H. bonds which break to give a great amount of energy. The function of protein depends on it's shape. More specifically, the structure of amino acids of protein determines it's function. None of the other macromolecules can perform the same functions as the other macromolecules.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Project Blog: Cell Wars 9/18
During this Cell Wars project, I learned specific information about the Cytoplasm. Including the structure of the Cytoplasm, how the Cytoplasm functions, how the structure of Cytoplasm affects it's function, and how Cytoplasm aids the other organelles. In addition, I also learned a little about the structure and function of the other organelles as the other groups presented their videos. As I researched information about Cytoplasm's structure, I learned that Cytoplasm is the colorless jelly like substance that fills the cell outside of the nucleus. While researching the function of Cytoplasm I learned, that Cytoplasm is responsible for keeping the shape of the cell and keeping all of the organelles in place. I also learned that because Cytoplasm contains all of the organelles and cell parts, it is responsible for moving information and materials from one organelle to another. Lastly, I learned that Cytoplasm aids the other organelles by supplying them with the chemicals they need to function properly. In addition, I learned that Cytoplasm provides a place for the other organelles to move around and carry out their functions.

I didn't know much about the relationship between cells and organelles before we started. I only had some information of cells from previous grade levels. For example, in fifth grade I learned a little bit about what cells do and how all organisms are made up of them. So, I only really knew about cells because of the information I gathered throughout the years This information came from either school, the internet, or from my very own family and friends.

I feel great about my team and I's finished outcome of this project. There isn't really one particular part that I especially like because I really liked both the video and the smears my team and I came up with. What I enjoyed about the video was that it contained all of the information that was needed, including the structure, the function, how the structure affects the function, and why the organelle is so crucial to the survival of the cell, while still being humorous and entertaining. For the smears, I liked how creative my team and I were with how we decided to smear the other teams and the information we included. However, I particularly disliked the posters my team and I made because although all of the key information was included, I wish that we were more creative with the design of the posters. In addition, for the video I wish we talked a bit louder so the audience could hear us clearly. I enjoyed how each piece of work we put into this project had all of the key information that was needed.

My team and I didn't do the work exactly the way others did theirs. We did our work a bit differently because we made sure we got all of the information we needed first. Then we focused on the posters, having some members work on the design and other members transfer the right information on each poster. Next we brainstormed and worked out what we would do for the video. While writing the script of our video, we focused on the smears. While this was our process, other groups decided to have some members research while others planned out the posters and video. As they did this they would also post smears throughout the process. In addition, other groups would focus on the smears first before anything else. Our processes were however similar because we got the same work done and some groups also focused on the research and posters first, just as we did.

If I had the chance to do this piece over again, I would definitely make sure to be more creative with the poster. I would try to put more effort in the design of the poster. Also, I would make sure that all of my team and myself speak very loud and clear while filming. This way the audience can understand what we are saying during the video. This is very important because if the audience doesn't know what you are saying, they won't know what information you put in the video and most likely will think that you didn't include the information at all.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

If there was no Cytoplasm 9/11
Have you ever wondered what would happen to the cell if there was no Cytoplasm? Well simply, without the cytoplasm the cell wouldn't be able to survive. This is because the Cytoplasm keeps the cell and the organelles functioning. The Cytoplasm provides a place where the organelles can travel where they need to be to perform their functions. So without the Cytoplasm, the organelles wouldn't be able to move around and carry out their functions. In addition, since Cytoplasm allows communication through the organelles, materials and information wouldn't be able to pass from one organelle to another without the Cytoplasm. Also, Cytoplasm is responsible for supplying the organelles with chemicals they need to function and without it the organelles wouldn't function properly. So basically without the Cytoplasm, all the other organelles wouldn’t be able to function, and without the function of all the organelles, the cell would shut down and die.

S&EP - SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence
I used evidence to defend my explanation. I answered the question, "How is Cytoplasm crucial to the survival of the cell?", providing information that my team and I researched as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that without the cytoplasm the cell wouldn't be able to survive, using the information that my group and I found as evidence. I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that Cytoplasm wasn't as important to the cell as other organelles, but because of researching more about what would happen to the cell if the Cytoplasm was gone, now I think that the cell definitely wouldn't survive without the Cytoplasm. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on what would happen to the cell if there was no Cytoplasm, which I discussed with my group. Together we figured out that without the Cytoplasm, the organelles wouldn't be able to function, and because of this, the cell would shut down and die.

XCC: Structure and Function
The cell supports the Cytoplasm by giving the Cytoplasm and the other organelles a home and a place to function. There are no other organelles that can serve the same function as Cytoplasm. The relationship of the cell and the cytoplasm is very similar to others I have learned about because, just like other structures and functions, without the function (Cytoplasm), the structure (cell) wouldn't be able to survive. I think that understanding the relationship between Cytoplasm and the cell and how the cell would react if there was no cytoplasm could help me "rule the world" by giving me some specific information about Structure and function of the cytoplasm and cell. This information could especially help me in the future if I decide to become a cell biologist when I grow up.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Cytoplasm 9/4
Cytoplasm is the jelly-like substance that fills the cell. In fact, without cytoplasm the cell would be deflated. Cytoplasm is responsible for keeping the cell's shape. Did you know that Cytoplasm is located within the cell membrane of all types? This organelle is made up of 70% - 90% of water and is usually clear and colorless. Cytoplasm contains all of the organelles and cell parts. Most of the important activities of the cell occur in the Cytoplasm. This organelle contains enzymes which are responsible for breaking down waste and also aid in metabolic (related to the metabolism) activity. In addition, metabolic pathways like glycolysis and cellular processes like cell division take place in the cytoplasm. It helps movement of the cellular materials around the cell through a process called cytoplasmic streaming. Cytoplasm is responsible for passing material from one organelle to another easily.

S&EP- SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence
I used evidence to defend my explanation. I answered my group and I's questions providing the information we researched from websites as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that without cytoplasm the cell wouldn't be able to survive using the information that my group and I found as evidence. I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that cytoplasm was a single structure in the cell, but because of the information that my group and I found now I think that cytoplasm is the jelly-like substance that fills the cell and keeps the organelles in place. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on how cytoplasm aids the other organelles which I discussed with my group. Together we figured out that the cytoplasm helps the other organelles by helping pass materials from one organelle to another easily.

XCC: Structure and Function
The structure of the cytoplasm supports it's function by making it responsible for keeping the cell's shape. Because the cytoplasm fills the cell, without the cytoplasm the cell would be deflated. In addition, since the cytoplasm contains all of the organelles and cell parts, it is responsible for passing material from one organelle to another easily. There are no other organelles that can serve these same functions. The structure and function of cytoplasm compares to the structure and function of us human beings by having some similarities and differences. If the substance of cytoplasm wasn't so watery when the plant cell is placed in a hyper-tonic solution , the water from inside the cell's cytoplasm wouldn't diffuse out and the plant cell wouldn't become "flaccid"Understanding the relationship between the structure and function of the cytoplasm can help me "take over the world" by giving me some specific knowledge about the cell which can help in the future if I choose to become a scientist when I grow up.