Saturday, December 10, 2016

Charity Fair 12/11

(Image from drive)
         During the annual Charity Fair project, I learned many things from most of my classes. In math, I learned how to calculate the cost and profit of my group's product. I learned how to calculate how much all the materials would cost altogether to make 5 products, 10 products, 100 products, and 1000 products. As well as I learned how to calculate how much money would be given to the actual charity after paying for all of the expenses. In addition, I learned how to find the statistics of my group's chosen charity. To do this, I would have to look through the organization's tax forms for several different years. I learned what line the revenue or how much the charity earned was listed and what line showed the charity's administrative costs. We would have to subtract the administrative costs by the revenue to get how much the organization actually gives to the cause. In Science, I learned how to put together an instructable that gave the step by step process of how to create my group's product. In Social Science, I learned the correct way of choosing an organization to support and how to research that certain organization. In Language Arts, I learned how to create an Ignite presentation to convince the audience to vote for the charity my group chose to support. Lastly in Elective, I learned together a tri-fold to present while selling our product.

           Since I was fortunate enough to be apart of the Adventure stem program last year, I had the opportunity to experience what Charity Fair is like. Having the chance to participate in Charity Fair a year ahead really encouraged me to get better at this type of work. I believe I improved my presentation as well as my product. For example, I think I improved my presentation because I now understand how to properly put together and present an ignite presentation. I now know that an ignite presentation should strictly only be pictures, should only limit to one picture each slide, and should be only fifteen seconds long. Last year, I made the mistake of having bullet points and multiple images and lines on one slide. However this year, I only put single images on each slide so the audience could focus easily on each slide and didn't have to look at so many images. In addition, I didn't put any text on any of e slides and limited to a few lines for each slide so it would fit the fifteen seconds. For my product, I learned that the customers mainly bought items that were related to the current season. By making my product Christmas related, I sold a lot more items than last year.

          I feel that this piece of work my group and I put together was great. We did everything perfectly as planned and made little mistakes. I particularly like creating our product because I thought that it was really creative and unlike anybody else's products. As well as my group and I had a lot of fun putting together the jars since they were all different themes. The only thing I disliked about the outcome of the Charity Fair project was the ignite presentation. This is because I felt that our ignite presentation had too many lines for each slide. When reading our script while presenting we had to rush a bit. This made it hard for the audience to understand and take in what we were saying. In addition I believe that we could have put more heart felt images that would really make the audience think about our charity in a whole other level.

        My group and I didn't do some aspects of the project the way other groups did theirs. For instance, we did our presentation and product differently. Our presentation was different than others because we chose to support a charity that no other groups chose and chose to support a topic no other groups supported, which was women equality. In addition, we didn't put the exact same information on our presentation and we obviously included different pictures than others. For our product, we made something no other group made. We made mini ecosystems. These ecosystems were sold in mason jars and came in four different themes. Including a winter/snow ecosystem, an ocean ecosystem, a forest ecosystem, and a fall ecosystem. 

         If I had the chance to do this project over again, I would change our presentation. The reason being is that I felt we had too many lines for each slide. I would change this by cutting the amount of words we had to say so we didn't have to rush when reading our script. As well as I felt we could have put better images on each slide. I think we could have put more heart felt images that would make the audience really think about our charity. Other than this, I wouldn't have changed anything else because I believe that the other aspects of the project went smoothly.

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