Sunday, November 20, 2016

Project Blog - Human Body 2.0 Redesign 11/20

         During the Human Body 2.0 Redesign project, I learned a variety of specific information about all of the body systems. This including the Digestive System, the Skeletal System, the Muscular System, the Circulatory System, the Respiratory System, the Immune System, the Urinary System, and the Nervous System. Because of this project, I now have knowledge on the detailed structure and function of all of the different body systems. Along with information on how the structure of the system effects it's function. In addition, I also now know information on the major organs of each body system and how these organs function. As well as I have knowledge on how the systems of the body interact and work with each other in many different ways to perform a variety of different functions. However for the group project, my group and I really focused on the condition of Acid Reflux. From filling out our Human Body 2.0 Redesign Brief, writing the redesign essay, and creating a presentation to share with the class, I learned a lot about the process of how Acid Reflux occurs. Along with the causes, symptoms, and restrictions of Acid Reflux. In addition, I collected a lot of knowledge on how Acid Reflux can be prevented as well as how to reduce the risk of Acid Reflux while brainstorming and coming up with ideas of how my team and I could possibly redesign the esophagus and LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) to eliminate the condition all together.

        While working on the Human Body 2.0 Redesign Brief, my group and I ran into one single major problem that really delayed our productiveness during the project. This problem forced us to do a load of extra work outside of school. The problem that we encountered was the fact that a team last year had the same redesign idea. This meant that they did the same project we were planning to do. Once we were allowed to see their Redesign Brief, we instantly panicked. At this moment we should have been finishing up our Redesign Brief, but now we had to change our idea! After days of getting frustrated and confused while trying to brainstorm ideas of how we were going to make our redesign totally different than last year's team, we finally realized that changing the redesign wasn't our only option. We could also build upon the redesign of last year's team and improve their idea. While only having a day to think, we came up with the "Goose" muscle. The "Goose" muscle is a 2.5 inch long ring of smooth muscle. This muscle is located right above the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter).  The function of this muscle is to contract from top to bottom and essentially push acid coming up from the stomach, back down and out of the esophagus. This action will help reduce the risk of Acid Reflux and heartburn.

       Looking at my team and I's work, I feel that we did a great job at all of the aspects of the project. I like how we included a lot of detailed information in the Human Body 2.0 Redesign Brief and the Redesign essay. As well as I liked how our idea for the redesign was well though out and clear especially with what little time and lots of rush we had to come up with a redesign. In addition, I liked how we included specific information both in our redesign idea and in the other context and details of Acid Reflux. Such as the symptoms and cause of Acid Reflux. These components that we included really makes our redesign idea easy to understand and very convincing. However, the only part of our project that I disliked was our model. It was a little sloppy and incorrectly painted. Although this aspect of our project was optional and not mandatory, I still wish we had taken more time and effort in the model to make it look presentable and nice. The part of our project that I enjoyed was how we included a skit in the beginning of our presentation. This skit was really fun to perform and it certainly got the audience's attention. Which helped get them excited about our project and engaged ad well ad interested in our presentation and redesign.

      I would say that my team did our work both mostly different than the other groups did their work. My group and I did do our project different than other groups did their projects because my group executed our presentation using power point and slides while other groups decided to create a video to present their work. Although some groups did however decide to use power point to present their projects as well, our presentation was different because we sort of made an ignite presentation. My group and I only put images and visuals on our slides, while other groups put bullet points and notes on their slides and didn't have any visuals at all. I think that my group did do our work some what similar than how the other groups did their work because we did use power point just as some of the groups did and we did base what we were going to say in our presentation off of a script like some other groups.

     Just as I mentioned before, the only aspect of my team and I's project that I didn't completely like was our model. This piece is the only thing that I would improve if I had the chance to redo the project. If I had the chance to do this piece over again, I would start making the model earlier on into our project. Firstly, this would give more time to do the model and hopefully take away the sloppiness of the project because of the rush to finish. In addition, this would allow more time for the clay that we used for the model to dry. Which would allow us to be patient and wait until the clay dried to paint. That component would make the paint job of the model more neat altogether. Lastly, I would also try to paint the model more less sloppy. As well as I would try to pay attention to the colors of the real organs of the human body that we included in our model, and try to follow those color patterns while painting our model to make the model more realistic.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Acid Reflux 11/12
Acid Reflux is a very common condition in which acid gastric fluid regurgitates into the esophagus. As the acid backs up into the esophagus it irritates the lining of the esophagus, which most commonly causes discomfort in the upper abdomen, heartburn, nausea, and dry cough. Acid Reflux occurs when the upper part of the stomach and Lower Esophagus Sphincter (LES) move above the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle that separates your stomach from your chest. Normally, the diaphragm helps keep acid in your stomach. However if you have a hiatal hernia, acid can move up into your esophagus and cause symptoms of Acid Reflux. There are more than 3 million U.S. cases of Acid Reflux a year. In addition, this condition most commonly affects newborns of the ages 0-2 years old, teens of the ages 14-18 years old, and adults of the ages 19+. 

S&EP - SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence
I used evidence to defend my explanation. I answered a document called, "Human Body 2.0 Design Brief", providing websites where I researched information, as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that Acid Reflux is a very common condition, using information that I researched as evidence. Information such as, "there are more than 3 million United States cases of Acid Reflux a year". I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that Esophageal Cancer wasn't very critical and serious, but because of researching this topic, now I think that Esophageal Cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers that the body can contract. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on Acid Reflux which I discussed with my project team. Together we figured out that Acid Reflux is a very common condition that has many painful symptoms and restricts everyday activities.

XCC: Cause and Effect
The cause and effect relationship that occurs at the condition of Acid Reflux is when the action of Acid Reflux causes acid to regurgitate into the esophagus, this acid effects the esophagus by irritating it. More specifically, when the upper part of the stomach and the Lower Esophagus Sphincter move above the diaphragm and the diaphragm doesn't perform it's function of keeping acid in the stomach, properly. It causes acid to freely move up the esophagus and irritate the lining of the esophagus. This irritation most commonly causes the symptoms of discomfort in the upper abdomen, heartburn, nausea, and dry cough. This information of the cause and effect relationship of the Acid Reflux can help me "take over the world" by giving me some specific details and information on the condition of Acid Reflux and the esophagus. This knowledge can possibly help me in future education and career, especially if I decide to specialize in the topic of the human body.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

WAC - Is being a vegetarian healthier than being an omnivore?

      Living a vegetarian lifestyle is healthier than being an omnivore. This is because having a plant-based diet is more beneficial to your health than eating meat, for many reasons. One reason being is that when you are a vegetarian, you consume more fiber and antioxidant rich produce. In addition, avoiding meat reduces risk of disease, such as cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and chronic disease. Lastly, being a vegetarian helps avoid obesity by keeping your weight down.
      A benefit of being a vegetarian is that you have a plant-based diet. This helps your body consume more vegetables, as well as no meat. Living this lifestyle helps you intake more fiber and antioxidant rich produce. In the article by, titled, "Should people become vegetarian?", it states that according to the American Dietetic Association, having a vegetarian diet can meet protein requirements of eating meat. In addition, it can provide essential amino-acids and phyto chemicals, which improves health. This proves that being a vegetarian can provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of the body.
       Being a vegetarian also means that you are reducing risk of many diseases by having a plant-based diet. These diseases include, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and chronic disease. In the article, "Is it healthier to be a vegetarian or omnivore?", by SENCER, it states that being a vegetarian can reduce the risk of chronic disease, cardiovascular disease, and cerebrovascular disease linked to fat of animal product. This is because, avoiding meat means that you are reducing the intake of unhealthy fats and saturated fats. In addition, in the article, "Should people become vegetarian?" by, it states that being a vegetarian also reduces the chance of kidney stones and gallstones. This is because diets high in animal protein cause the body to excrete calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. These are the main components of kidney stones and gallstones. So because you avoid meat when being a vegetarian, you are also avoiding the components of kidney stones and gallstones.
         Going vegetarian means that you are converting to a plant-based diet. This helps vegetarians reduce the risk of obesity and being over weight. In the article, "Is it healthier to be a vegetarian or an omnivore?" by SENCER, it states that because vegetarians have a plant-based diet and are avoiding meat, it reduces the risk of being over weight and obesity. Just as avoiding unhealthy fats and saturated fats help reduce cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, and chronic disease, it also reduces the risk of obesity. This is because when you are vegetarian you are avoiding meat and animal product altogether. Which gets rid of the consumption of unhealthy and saturated fats.
          Reading this essay, omnivores might say that being a vegetarian with a plant-based diet means that you lack in vitamins, minerals, protein, and calories. Such as  B12, iron, zinc, and vital Omega 3 fats. This is because being a vegetarian means that you are avoiding meat and because meat is such a great provider in protein, it means that you lack in all the protein meat provides. However, this isn't much of a problem for vegetarians although it may seem like a big deal. The reason being is that there are many ways a vegetarian can easily avoid meat while still getting those vital nutrients and proteins. One way is that a vegetarian can take extra supplements  to replace the deficiency in these nutrients. For example, a vegetarian can take B12 and Omega 3 supplements. In addition, a vegetarian can also eat more servings of food to make up for the lack of nutrients in only one serving of food. Also, a vegetarian can eat more legumes, soy, and nuts.
         All of the points I have presented are examples of how having a plant-based diet and avoiding meat is better for your health. I hope that you will consider the benefits of vegetarianism. As you have read, vegetarianism means that you are consuming more fiber and antioxidant rich produce. Along with reducing the risk of many diseases. In addition, vegetarianism keeps you healthy by keeping your weight down and reducing the risk of obesity.