Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Common Descent 11/5

Common Descent describes how, in evolutionary biology, a group of organisms share a most recent common ancestor. Charles Darwin came up with this theory to explain how all species have evolved from one species, over time. Scientists can find out if organisms of different species have a common ancestor by looking at their homologous structure. By comparing the similarities and differences in the bones of organisms, you are able to make connections between the structures of the individual species. Darwin's discovery is supported by Embryological evidence. Embryological evidence proves that all animals developed from a common ancestor. An embryo is the early stages of development in a multicellular organism. Through observation of several organisms, you are able to distinctly see that the embryos of each species all look almost identical.

S&EP - SP1: Asking questions and defining problems

I formulate testable questions when I observed the document that we were required to do in class, and read what questions I needed to answer in order to complete this document. I established what is already known about common descent and the theory that all organisms originated/evolved from a common ancestor by writing down all of the information I found when investigating the provided website that correlated with the questions. I determine what questions have yet to be answered when I went over the document and saw which questions I haven't answered or found the information for. I defined constraints and specifications for a solution as I saw that some questions required information that wasn't in the provided website. I had to answer those questions with the knowledge I already had.

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