Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Precambrian Era - 9/17/17
According to the Geologic Time Scale, there are four major eras in history that shape Earth as we know it. The Precambrian Era is the first era that has occurred on Earth. This era covers almost 90% of the entire history of the Earth. The beginning of the Precambrian Era started with the formation of the Earth about 4.6 billion years ago and ends at the first sign of complex life about 540 million years ago. This era is divided into three eons, including the Hadean, the Archean, and the Proterozoic. The Hadean eon began when planet first began to form, about 4.6 billion years ago. Scientists named this eon after the Greek god Hades, who ruled underworld because during most of the Hadean period the surface of the Earth must have been like our image of the underworld. During this time, the Earth released tremendous amounts of heat (at a surface temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius) as the Earth's core was forming due to gravitational sinking. At the time of the Archean eon, the Earth's crust cooled enough that rocks and continental plates began to form. It was early in this eon that life first appeared on Earth. Our oldest fossils date to roughly 3.5 billion years ago, and consist of bacteria micro fossils. The final eon apart of the Precambrian Era is the Proterozoic eon. During this time, life began to evolve into more complex organisms. The first evidence of life that were once living in the oceans of the Earth were one-celled micro organisms that were capable of photosynthesis. They helped the air and water around the Earth, become full of oxygen.

S&EP - SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions

I evaluated information to explain the history of the Precambrian era and form hypotheses. In order to complete the worksheet for this project, much research was required. I needed to search the internet to figure out when the Precambrian era began and when it ended, how long it lasted, the different periods it is divided into, the major events that occurred during the era and its different periods, the climate during this era, the positions of the continents during this period, what types of life lived during this era, and finally the major types of plants present in this era. Once finding the information for each of these topics, I answered the questions on the worksheet using detailed ACE explanations. I constructed an explanation of each topic I researched for the Precambrian era, when I found the needed information by searching sources online and collecting the information using the ACE structure of answering. I designed a solution to a problem when a source I was searching didn't have enough information needed to answer the topic questions. However I solved this problem by researching multiple sources to grasp as much information as I could find on the topic. For example, one website I visited didn't mention anything about plants existing during the Precambrian era. But after researching multiple websites, I finally found a website that gave me all the information I needed on the plants that lived during this era.

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