Sunday, February 5, 2017

Epigenetics 2/4
Epigenetics is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. It is simply the change of an organism's phenotype, yet not it's genotype which in turn effects how cells read the genes. But what is a phenotype and genotype? If you didn't already know, a phenotype is a visible trait of an individual or a set of observable characteristics of an individual. In addition, a genotype is the pair of alleles or each form of a gene or the genetic constitution of an individual organism. Epigenetic change is a regular and natural occurrence. However it can also be influenced by several factors including age, the environment/lifestyle, and disease state. So how can traits be passed down from generations if it doesn't effect an organism's DNA? The reason why is because when the offspring inherits the DNA, the way the code is read and used is what makes the organism obtain the same characteristics as their parents. How does this happen? Well in every cell biological machinery constantly translates DNA into the proteins needed to carry out vital processes. Chemicals that are attached to the DNA turn genes on or off, telling which proteins to produce and in what quantities. These switches are called Epigenetic Tags are responsible for why a kidney cell looks and acts different then a skin or nerve cell. Even though all three cells have identical DNA. 

S&EP - SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence

I used evidence to defend my explanation. I took some notes on Epigenetics providing the video we watched in class as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that Epigenetics change the organism's phenotype, yet not it's genotype using the video that was provided to me in class, a website that I personally researched as evidence, and the fact that the physical DNA strand isn't effected by Epigenetics, just how the DNA is read and used. I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that the reason why experiences of previous generations effected new generations or offspring was because it physically changed the DNA strand that was inherited, but because of the video that my classmates and I watched in class and a website that I researched now I think that it doesn't affect the genotype or DNA strand. Instead the chemicals attached to the DNA called Epigenetic Tags turn the genes on the DNA strand on or off, telling them which proteins to produce and in what quantities. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on Epigenetics and how it works which I discussed with my table group. Together we figured out how we would determine what our superhero's child would look like and act like.

XCC: Cause and Effect

The cause and effect relationship that occurs in Epigenetics is between the Epigenetic Tags and how the DNA is read and used. As you may know, Epigenetics doesn't physically effect the genotype of an organism but the phenotype. Epigenetic Tags just effect how the DNA is read and used by switching or turning the genes on and off on the DNA, which tell them which proteins to produce and how many. More specifically, the Epigenetic Tags determine and control what characteristics the offspring obtain and how these genes are read. In other words, the traits or characteristics that the next generations obtain depend on which genes the Epigenetic Tags switch on or off. A real example that displays how this relationship works is how a kidney cell looks and acts different then a skin or nerve cell. Even though all three cells have identical DNA. I can use this relationship to answer questions about what characteristics a certain organism may have based off of what genes in their inherited DNA is turned off or on. In addition, this relationship can help me "take over the world" by helping me in future education of Genetics. Especially if I choose to specialize in a career that deals with Epigenetics specifically when I grow up. This relationship gives me certain knowledge about the topic of Epigenetics, such as how Epigenetics works and how the Epigenetic Tags control what traits and characteristics the offspring will inherit.

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