Friday, February 17, 2017

Carbon Cycle 2/19
The Carbon Cycle is the biogeochemical cycle in which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth. There are many abiotic and biotic factors that are apart of the Carbon Cycle. Abiotic means if something is physical rather than biological and is not derived from living organisms. If something is biotic, it means that it is related to or resulting from living things. The abiotic and biotic factors that are included in the Carbon Cycle are the atmosphere, surface ocean, deep ocean, fossil fuels, soil, and plants. Carbon is recycled through Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis. So how exactly does carbon travel from abiotic and biotic factors? Most often, the carbon will start in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. The carbon will usually circulate through the atmosphere for a while before going to the next part of the cycle. From here, the carbon dioxide will most likely travel to the plant stage. This happens during a process called Photosynthesis when plants breathe in carbon dioxide for food. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use sunlight in order to create energy from carbon dioxide and water. The carbon is stored and used by the plant until the plant dies. As the plant decomposes, the carbon travels into the soil. When the carbon stores into the soil, it increases the soil quality. After years of being in the soil for so long, the carbon eventually turns into fossil fuels. At this point, the fossil fuels the carbon molecules are in, are burned in factories. From here, the carbon has two different destinations. The smoke from burning the fossil fuels can cause the carbon to return back to the atmosphere, where organisms can breathe it in. Or, the fossil fuels can find its way into a river/stream that travels to the ocean. Here, the carbon will most likely be consumed by an organism. For either situation, the carbon will commonly end up in an animal. At this stage, the carbon will usually travel through many different species as they consume each other in the energy pyramid. Soon the carbon will find its way back to the atmosphere as the animals perform Cellular Respiration or exhale the carbon. Although carbon generally travels in a cycle, not all carbon travels like this. Carbon can travel in any pattern throughout these biotic and abiotic factors.

S&EP - SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence

I used evidence to defend my explanation. I filled out a worksheet related to the Carbon Cycle, providing a game that my table and I played that helped us understand how carbon travels from abiotic factors and biotic factors, as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that carbon doesn't always travel in the same pattern. That it can travel through any of the abiotic and biotic factors apart of the Carbon Cycle in any order, using the cycle pattern my table and I's carbon molecules went through as evidence. I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that the carbon molecules always follow the same order and pattern in the Carbon Cycle, but because of the game that I played with my group in class, now I think that the carbon molecules don't always travel in the same pattern/order throughout the Carbon Cycle. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on how carbon travels throughout abiotic and biotic factors throughout the Carbon Cycle which I discussed with my table group. Together we figured out the different stages a carbon molecule can travel to in the Carbon Cycle. As well as the fact that the carbon doesn't have to go through the Carbon Cycle in the same order.

XCC: Patterns

The pattern that occurs in the Carbon Cycle is the cycle that the carbon molecules go through as they travel from abiotic and biotic factors. The carbon molecules routine through the same seven stages in the cycle. These stages include the atmosphere, animals, surface ocean, deep ocean, fossil fuels, soil, and plants. The carbon molecules usually follow a general course through the Carbon Cycle. This pattern includes the carbon dioxide starting in the atmosphere, used by plants through Photosynthesis, decomposed and stored in soil, turned into fossil fuels, burned and finding its way to the ocean, traveling to the surface and consumed by animals, traveling through different species, then finally returning to the atmosphere as the animals perform Cellular Respiration. However, this doesn't mean that all carbon molecules always follow the same pattern. The carbon can actually travel to and from any stage of the cycle, in any order. This is because all stages or abiotic and biotic factors of the cycle are able to connect with each other in some way. They allow the carbon to directly travel to any stage from any stage of the cycle. This pattern in the Carbon Cycle can answer many questions on how carbon travels to and from different organisms and places. Such as answering the question of how carbon can travel from a plant to an animal. By observing and studying the Carbon Cycle, one can easily tell that this situation happens when the certain species consumes the plant directly or consumes an organism that consumed that particular plant.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Project Blog 2/12

Displaying File_000.jpeg
A picture of my character portfolio
(the chart paper it was on was ripped and crumpled from the rain, so I had to remove it)

       The factor that makes you and your parents act and look alike is genetics. Genetics is the name for the directions for only one trait of a living thing. You might be wondering how genetics is able to affect you, this is because of DNA. DNA is the directions an organism's cells follow that tell the living thing how to grow and what it will do. DNA contains nucleic acids which are four molecules you require to survive; Cytosine, Thymine, Adenine, and Guanine. They are instructions that make all organisms appear and behave a certain way. These nucleic acids make up the layers or "steps of the ladder" of DNA. The two structures that hold them together are composed of phosphate and deoxyribose. To determine the probability of an offspring having a certain genotype, biologists use Punnett Squares. These Punnett Squares are 2 x 2 arrays that are filled with genotype combinations. This diagram is used to predict the outcome of a particular cross breeding experiment. Did you know that scientists can actually control what traits an organism obtains? They can do this by Genetic Modification or Genetic Engineering. This process is the direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology. It is a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes within and across species to produce improved organisms. When Genetic Modification is performed or experimented on organisms it is known as GMO, standing for Genetically Modified Organisms. However, organisms can obtain traits by accident as well. Organisms can obtain special abilities by a reaction in their DNA called a mutation. Mutation is the change in nucleic acids. Mutations can be caused by either external factors or internal factors. Mutations happen on accident because they are random and are usually mistakes in one's DNA strand or chromosomes. Did you know that you can inherit certain characteristics from generations before you without it affecting your DNA at all? This happens by Epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. It is simply the change of an organism's phenotype, yet not it's genotype which in turn effects how cells read the genes. Chemicals that are attached to the DNA turn genes on or off, telling which proteins to produce and in what quantities. These switches are called Epigenetic Tags.


       To produce the character portfolio of a superhero that I designed myself, I had to go through many different steps. Throughout these steps, I learned many different topics that relate to genetics. The first step was to actually create the superhero based off of an animal that has "superpowers". The animal I chose was the Beluga Whale because of it's ability to perform echolocation. Echolocation is the ability to create sound waves to locate objects by reflected sound. At this time I drew my character and created the concept behind my superhero, including his powers, costume, strengths, and weaknesses. Next I wrote Beluga Boy's origin story, how he obtained these powers. I chose for Beluga Boy to get special abilities by the process of Genetic Modification or Genetic Engineering. For this story, I had to research the exact process of how a scientist produces GMOs. After thoroughly understanding the process and writing about it in my story, I had to write another story about how Beluga Boy met his mate (Poison Ivy). I then realized that Beluga Boy and Poison Ivy had a child together. So I had to determine what traits the baby would obtain from both of her parents. I did this by filling out punnet squares for each trait. In this unit, I learned the meaning of a dominant and recessive genotype, as well as how to use punnet squares. After I knew what traits the offspring would have, I drew what the offspring would look like as a baby. Next, I learned about Epigenetics. I learned how the choices Beluga Boy's daughter made, effects her. I flipped a coin to determine the choices the daughter of Beluga Boy made in her life, then I drew what she would look like at this point and how she was effected. Lastly, I created the Beluga Boy's villain. This villain is known as Dr. Evil and has many enhanced qualities.  I decided to change his Muscular System, Skeletal System, Respiratory System, and Nervous System. This effects my villain by making him a genius, have super strength, have the ability to breathe underwater, and be above average in size. Afterwards, I created a story of how Beluga Boy and Dr. Evil became enemies.


       I feel proud of this piece of work because I feel that the character portfolio shows just how much hard work I put into it. It displays all of the work I've done throughout the different units of genetics. The part of this project I particularly liked was designing my super villain. This is because, I got to change my villain based off of his body systems. Although I was only limited to change just four different systems, I had fun figuring out how changing each part of his systems would change him. I decided to change his Nervous System by changing parts of his brain, his Muscular System by making all of the skeletal muscle on his body become two times larger, his Respiratory System by having gills grow on his lungs, and his Skeletal System by having all of the bones in his framework grow two times larger. These changes effected my villain by making him a genius, have super strength, be able to breathe underwater, and be gigantic in size. I didn't dislike any parts of this project. The activities in this project made learning genetics interesting, as it kept me engaged throughout all of the different units. I was always excited to create stories around my superhero, making it come to life. I enjoy how my superhero portrays the abilities of an actual animal. As well as I enjoyed how this project allowed me to build a complete plot for my superhero.


       If I had the chance of giving my project a grade, I would give my character portfolio an A. I worked very hard on this piece of work and think that it deserves to get the full credit grade. I completed all of the different parts of this project, putting my very best work into every activity. I made sure that my drawings were neat and never out of place. As well as I ensured that it was easy to understand which character I drew. For the stories I wrote for my superhero, I always made my ideas clear. I made sure that I was never off topic, wrote run on sentences, or had bad grammar. I also made sure that my stories were interesting and engaged the reader with a climax. For the actual worksheets, I ensured that I understood all of the science behind the activities. This helped me know that I was doing the worksheets correctly and getting the science correct. In addition after finishing all the parts of the project, I double checked my work by going back on my work and checking everything. Checking that I wasn't missing any work or missing any necessary details in any activity.


       As I looked at the finished product, I didn't see anything major that I would redo or improve. All of the work was completed to the best of my ability. The drawings were neat and proportional, the stories were clear and engaging, and the work sheets were completed correctly. Overall, all of the work was organised and in great condition. However, there is only one minor thing in the character portfolio that bothers me. This is the actual chart paper that I presented all of my work on. Although all of the work was present and visible, the background that the work was on was unorganized. It didn't have clear titles for each topic. This makes it hard for any audience to understand how the work was organised, where everything was, and what each unit was about. This is however just a minor mistake in the display of my character portfolio that can easily be fixed. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Epigenetics 2/4
Epigenetics is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. It is simply the change of an organism's phenotype, yet not it's genotype which in turn effects how cells read the genes. But what is a phenotype and genotype? If you didn't already know, a phenotype is a visible trait of an individual or a set of observable characteristics of an individual. In addition, a genotype is the pair of alleles or each form of a gene or the genetic constitution of an individual organism. Epigenetic change is a regular and natural occurrence. However it can also be influenced by several factors including age, the environment/lifestyle, and disease state. So how can traits be passed down from generations if it doesn't effect an organism's DNA? The reason why is because when the offspring inherits the DNA, the way the code is read and used is what makes the organism obtain the same characteristics as their parents. How does this happen? Well in every cell biological machinery constantly translates DNA into the proteins needed to carry out vital processes. Chemicals that are attached to the DNA turn genes on or off, telling which proteins to produce and in what quantities. These switches are called Epigenetic Tags are responsible for why a kidney cell looks and acts different then a skin or nerve cell. Even though all three cells have identical DNA. 

S&EP - SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence

I used evidence to defend my explanation. I took some notes on Epigenetics providing the video we watched in class as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that Epigenetics change the organism's phenotype, yet not it's genotype using the video that was provided to me in class, a website that I personally researched as evidence, and the fact that the physical DNA strand isn't effected by Epigenetics, just how the DNA is read and used. I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that the reason why experiences of previous generations effected new generations or offspring was because it physically changed the DNA strand that was inherited, but because of the video that my classmates and I watched in class and a website that I researched now I think that it doesn't affect the genotype or DNA strand. Instead the chemicals attached to the DNA called Epigenetic Tags turn the genes on the DNA strand on or off, telling them which proteins to produce and in what quantities. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on Epigenetics and how it works which I discussed with my table group. Together we figured out how we would determine what our superhero's child would look like and act like.

XCC: Cause and Effect

The cause and effect relationship that occurs in Epigenetics is between the Epigenetic Tags and how the DNA is read and used. As you may know, Epigenetics doesn't physically effect the genotype of an organism but the phenotype. Epigenetic Tags just effect how the DNA is read and used by switching or turning the genes on and off on the DNA, which tell them which proteins to produce and how many. More specifically, the Epigenetic Tags determine and control what characteristics the offspring obtain and how these genes are read. In other words, the traits or characteristics that the next generations obtain depend on which genes the Epigenetic Tags switch on or off. A real example that displays how this relationship works is how a kidney cell looks and acts different then a skin or nerve cell. Even though all three cells have identical DNA. I can use this relationship to answer questions about what characteristics a certain organism may have based off of what genes in their inherited DNA is turned off or on. In addition, this relationship can help me "take over the world" by helping me in future education of Genetics. Especially if I choose to specialize in a career that deals with Epigenetics specifically when I grow up. This relationship gives me certain knowledge about the topic of Epigenetics, such as how Epigenetics works and how the Epigenetic Tags control what traits and characteristics the offspring will inherit.