Friday, January 27, 2017

Mutations 1/29

Have you ever wondered how superheroes got their powers? Maybe you've heard some theories, yet never really understood the concept of it all. Well then you're in luck because I'm going to explain one way superheroes usually get their powers. Organisms can obtain special abilities by a reaction in their DNA called a mutation. Mutation is the change in nucleic acids. Mutations can be caused by either external factors or internal factors. For example, some external factors that can cause mutation are chemicals and radiation. When these factors are in contact with your body, they can effect your body by possibly creating a mutation. One example of an internal factor that can cause a mutation is DNA replication. DNA replication is the process in which a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical DNA molecules. A common mistake people make is thinking that mutations happen on purpose, but something most don't know is that mutations are random. Meaning they can't be controlled and can happen at anytime. There are three different types of mutations; helpful, harmful, and neutral. However, mutations that are helpful are incredibly rare and don't happen as often as the rest. In addition there are gene mutations and chromosomes mutations. The three different gene mutations are substitution, insertion, and deletion. Substitution happens when a base is substituted with other bases in DNA that don't match with each other. Insertion happens when an additional base is added to the DNA strand. Lastly, deletion happens when a base in DNA is simply removed from the DNA strand. The four different chromosome bases are duplication, deletions, inversion, and translocation. Duplication happens when extra copies of genes are produced. Deletions happen when there are missing parts in the chromosome and inversion happens when the parts are reversed. Finally, translocation happens when the chromosomes are put in the wrong location and are not where they are supposed to be.

S&EP - SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence

I used evidence to defend my explanation. I wrote down some notes in my binder providing the video we had watched in class as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that helpful mutations are very rare and occur less often than the other types of mutation. Using the fact that there is a ten percent chance that mutation can occur and that less than a third of this ten percent will be a helpful or beneficial mutation as evidence. I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that you can make a mutation happen to an organism on purpose, but because of the video that was provided to us in class now I think that mutations are random and can happen to anytime. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on mutations and how they occur which I discussed with my table group. Together we figured out that if we were going to make our superhero obtain powers by a mutation it would have to be unintentional. As well as we discussed how we would also have to choose from one of the different mutation situations to explain how our superhero got special abilities.

XCC: Cause and Effect

The cause and effect relationship that occurs in mutation is between the order or format of the DNA or chromosome and what form of mutation will happen to the organism. More specifically, the formation in which the DNA bases are in the DNA strand or location of chromosome parts, control the form of mutation the organism might obtain. Basically, the particular form that happens to the organism depends on the location of the DNA bases or chromosome parts in the body. One example of this cause and effect relationship is if a DNA base is substituted with other bases in DNA that don't match with each other, this means that the organism will most likely have a substitution gene mutation. Such as, if the base A matched with C instead of T. Or if the base G matched with T instead of C. Another example of this cause and effect relationship is if a base in DNA is simply removed/missing from the DNA strand or if there are missing parts in the chromosome, this means that the deletion gene mutation or deletions chromosome mutation will most likely happen to the organism. I suppose that this theory could possibly be tested by purposely changing a particular formation in an organism's DNA strand or chromosome to see if it will result in the desired gene or chromosome mutation.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Genetic Modification 1/15

Have you ever heard of the superheroes Spider man or Dead pool? Maybe you've heard about their origin stories (how they became who they are, how they obtained those certain powers and abilities) before and don't quite understand the process. Or maybe you haven't heard of their stories at all and wonder if they just woke up one morning with special powers that resemble a certain organism. If you fit into any of these categories, then read on because I'm going to explain how these superheroes and many others usually came to be, while hopefully fixing your confusion. The most common way a superhero can acquire unique abilities is by a process called Genetic Modification or otherwise known as Genetic Engineering. This process is the direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology. It is a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the transfer of genes within and across species to produce improved organisms. When Genetic Modification is performed or experimented on organisms it is known as GMO, standing for Genetically Modified Organisms. So how is Genetic Modification specifically? The process starts by choosing the certain organism that you want to take the abilities from and extracting those specific genes from the organism's DNA. Next a small piece of circular DNA called plasmid is extracted from a bacterial cell. This short piece of DNA is capable of replicating on its own when inside a bacterial cell. After a small section of the circular plasmid is cut out by restriction enzymes, otherwise known as molecular scissors. Then the gene DNA of interest is inserted into the gap of the plasmid. The ends of the two sequences are stitched together by a DNA ligase. The bacterial cell is put in large fermentation vessels to allow growth and duplication. This cell should divide rapidly. The process is basically done, the bacterial cells just need to be inserted in the human. However, this doesn't mean that only superheroes are used as GMOs, many other organisms such as plants, fruits, vegetables, animals, and humans with certain diseases are also commonly Genetically modified.

S&EP - SP7: Engage in argument from evidence

I used evidence to defend my explanation. I took notes on how scientists specifically perform Genetic Modification on organisms providing the several sources I researched as evidence. I formulated evidence based on solid data when I stated that the bacterial cell were put into the fermentation vessels to allow growth and duplication using the fact that bacterial cells divide rapidly inside the fermentation vessels as evidence. I examined my own understanding in light of the evidence. I used to think that the DNA of interest from the certain organism could be inserted into the gap of the plasmid and then the plasmid is inserted in the bacterial cell as is, but because of researching a little bit deeper throughout websites now I think that the ends of the two sequences of the DNA and plasmid have to be stitched together by a DNA ligase first, before it is inserted into the bacterial cell. I collaborated with my peers in searching for the best explanation. I did some research on this process of genetically modifying organisms which I discussed with other students who were researching the same process. Together we figured out that Genetic Modification is a complicated process that has to be performed carefully.

XCC: Cause and Effect

The cause and effect relationship in Genetic Modification is between what the steps the scientist does in the process and the end result of the organism's abilities. What happens to the organism after the experiment depends on how the scientist genetically modifies the DNA of the organism. The scientist basically controls what will happen to the organism in the end. More specifically, if the scientist modifies the DNA so that the organism has certain abilities, it effects the organism by allowing it to obtain those special abilities. For example, if the scientist added in genes that portray the power of flying into the gap of the plasmid before inserting it inside the bacterial cell, as a result this would effect the organism after the process is done by allowing it to have the power of flying. However, if the scientist makes a mistake or messes up anywhere in the process, it can greatly effect the organism by probably causing a negative reaction in its DNA. This might lead to a malfunction in the organism. This information that I contain in my knowledge about the specific relationship in Genetic Modification can help me "take over the world" by allowing me to have certain details n my knowledge about the effects of genetic modification. Which can help me especially in the future if I choose to become a scientist that specializes in GMO. Particularly in the genetic modification in food, resources, and humans with certain diseases.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Punnet Squares 1/8
Currently in science class, we've been using punnet squares to declare what traits our superhero's baby will have. If you didn't already know a punnet square is a 2 x 2 array, but instead of being filled out with numbers it is filled out with genotype combinations. This diagram is used to predict the outcome of a particular cross breeding experiment. More specifically, it is used by biologists to determine the probability of an offspring having a particular genotype. Punnet squares were named after Reginald C. Punnet, who devised the approach. So how do you set up and fill out a punnet square? To do this, you put the genotype that one parent passed on to the offspring, above the diagram. Lining each letter above each individual box of the array. As well as, you put the genotype that the other parent passed on to the left side of the diagram. The same set up applies accept you put each letter to the left side of each individual box. To fill out a punnet square, you start at the first box and look at the letter to the left of it and the letter above it. Then you write both of these letters in the box. Keep in mind to always put the dominant letter before the recessive letter. After, you will continue this process to fill out all of the four boxes.

S&EP - SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data

I used a diagram to display and analyze data to predict the outcome of a particular cross breeding experiment. I created punnet squares to determine the probability of an offspring having a particular genotype. I recognized patterns in data and see relationships between variables. For example, I observed that if there is only one dominant allele in a genotype combination, the hybrid genotype will always count as the dominant trait. As well as if both the alleles are dominant, the purebred genotype will always count as dominant. For purebred recessive genotype combinations, it will always count as recessive. I revised my initial hypothesis when the data doesn’t support it. My original hypothesis was that my superhero's baby would have echolocation since that trait is dominant, but my new hypothesis is that there is an equal chance that the baby will or will not have echolocation. This is because the dominant genotype is a hybrid combination, meaning that it has one dominant allele and one recessive allele. After filling out the punnet square, the outcome showed a 50% chance.

XCC: Cause and effect

The cause and effect relationship that punnet squares create is between the genotype that each parent passes on and the traits the offspring will have. The certain genotype combinations that the parents pass on help determine the probability of an offspring having a particular genotype. Which helps biologists predict the outcome of a particular cross breeding experiment. For instance, if the dominant genotype is a hybrid and contains one dominant allele and one recessive, this means that the offspring has a 50% chance of having the dominant trait. If the dominant genotype is purebred and contains two dominant alleles, this means that the offspring will definitely have the dominant trait. This information helps me better predict what traits the offspring will have, as well as the percentage of the offspring having a particular trait.