Friday, May 18, 2018

Building Body Muscle - 5/18

When people are trying to build up their muscles, they are usually trying to exercise their skeletal muscles. Skeletal muscle is composed of thread-like myofibrils and sarcomeres that form a muscle fiber and are the basic units of contraction. The 650 skeletal muscles in the human body contract when they receive signals from motor neurons. Motor neurons tell your muscles to contract. Motor neurons are triggered from a part of the cell called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The better your motor neurons do this, the stronger you can get. In addition the Motor Unit recruitment explains why certain movements become easier to perform after practice. This is because after you workout, your body replaces damaged muscle fibers. However these replaces muscle fibers are thicker than they were before. Muscle growth happens when your protein synthesis is greater than your muscle protein breakdown. Another component to the growth of your muscles, are Satellite cells. Satellite cells are precursors to skeletal muscle cells, able to give rise to satellite cells or differentiated skeletal muscle cells. When activated, Satellite cells help to add more nuclei to the muscle cells and therefore contribute to the growth of myofibrils (muscle cells). The more you activate satellite cells, the more you are able to grow. Lastly, continually putting more stress on the muscles is a major component involved in the growth of a muscle and disrupts homeostasis within your body.

S&EP - SP1: Asking questions and defining problems

I formulate testable questions when I researched the question, “how does the body build muscle?”. Upon researching this, I decided to specifically focus on teaching how the body strengthens its skeletal muscle. I established what is already known about this topic when I typed down any information I found, onto a note document. I shared this document with my partner so that we could collect information together. I determine what questions have yet to be answered when I read over the existing information on the note taking document and figured out what parts of the skeletal muscle building process that we were missing. I defined constraints and specifications for a solution as I realized that not all of the information we needed, was going to be provided on one single website. So the solution was for both my partner and I to research on several different websites that may contain more information.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Stress 5/13

Stress is a feeling of strain or pressure. Positive stress can be beneficial because it helps you focus and have more energy, resulting in a better performance. However, chronic stress is the response to emotional pressure suffered for a prolonged period of time in which an individual perceives he or she has little or no control. Chronic stress can affect the size of your brain, it's structure, and how it functions. When your body detects a stressful situation, your Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis is instantly activated and releases a hormone called cortisol. High levels of cortisol over long periods of time can lead to negative affects. For example, electric signals in your hippocampus deteriorate and your hippocampus also inhibits the activity of your HPA axis, weakening your ability to control your stress.  Too much of the cortisol results in the loss of synaptic connections between neurons. In addition, cortisol can literally make your brain shrink in size and the shrinking of your prefrontal cortex, leads to fewer new brain cells being made in the hippocampus. This means that chronic stress can make it more challenging/difficult to learn and remember things. Finally, chronic stress prompts your brain for future psychological diseases. These serious mental problems include depression and eventually Alzheimer's. 

S&EP - SP2: Developing and using models

I constructed a mental or conceptual model to represent and understand phenomena when my end of year project group and I created an infographic to represent and understand multiple ways of how chronic stress can affect the brain. After studying this unit for a few days by watching videos, reading articles, and answering questions about this topic, we were assigned to craft an infographic to explain to others how traumatic events, such as natural disasters, impact the mind/brain. In addition, we had to include at least three coping strategies to deal with that stress. I used a model to explain and predict behaviors of systems, as my group and I created an infographic on Google Draw that predicts the behavior of the brain and how it functions under long periods of chronic stress. I refined/rebuild my model as I learned about more and more ways that chronic stress and high levels of cortisol can wreak havoc on the brain. Upon learning more about these negative affects, I had to move images and text around to make space to provide more information.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Galaxies 4/29

A galaxy is a gravitational bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter. There are many different types of galaxies. This includes Spiral Galaxies, Elliptical Galaxies, Peculiar Galaxies, and Irregular Galaxies. Spiral Galaxies are characterized as broad, flat, rotating disks of stars, gas, and dust. It has a central bulge of older, redder stars, sometimes with a long cylindrical or rectangular bar of stars and a huge extending halo of older stars. The spiral arms extend from the very center out to the visible edge of the galaxy. Elliptical Galaxies is a type of galaxy having an approximately ellipsoidal shape and a smooth, nearly featureless brightness profile. Some are nearly spherical, gigantic cotton balls of billions of stars. Others are more elongated, shaped like cigars or American footballs. They tend to have no overall structure and range in size dramatically. Elliptical Galaxies are characterized by a lack of gas and dust in them, they are populated with older stars. Peculiar Galaxies is a galaxy of unusual size, shape, or composition. They are not shapeless, but have a shape that is weird. Peculiar galaxies are essentially all due to collisions. Irregular Galaxies are galaxies that do not have a distinct regular shape, unlike a spiral galaxy or an elliptical galaxy. They are truly shapeless. These galaxies tend to be small, and chaotically shaped.

S&EP - SP1: Asking questions and defining problems

I formulate testable questions when I scanned through the document that my classmates and I were assigned to fill out. When observing this document, I discovered that I was supposed to watch a video about galaxies and then answer questions that correlated with the video. I established what is already known about different types of galaxies and galactic collisions when I answered the questions as I watched the video. This helped me efficiently answer the questions once I discovered the answers to them. I determine what questions have yet to be answered when I looked over the questions on the document and figured out which questions I haven't found the answer to yet. I defined constraints and specifications for a solution as I realized that some of the questions required a little more detail in the explanations that the video may have not included. So as a solution, I decided to do some extra research in order to thoroughly answer certain questions.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Project Blog 4/15

(This is an image of my instrument)

During this past unit, my science class has been learning about the different parts of a sound wave and how sound waves work. In order to understand how sound waves can make different pitches more significantly, my class was assigned to create a "one man instrument". A "one man instrument" is an instrument that contains a various amount of instruments in one, allowing the musician to simultaneously play a number of different instruments at a time all by them self. The premise of this project was that we were musicians that our teacher entered into a National One Man Show Competition. Given the situation, it was evident that this project would be individual. There were several requirements that we had to follow and keep in mind while making our instrument. The first requirement was that the instrument had to have three different types of instrument. This included a string, percussion, and wind instrument. In addition our instrument can't contain any real parts from musical instruments. The challenge of the project was that our instruments had to be "home made", meaning it had to be made with common materials/items we would find at our house. The pitch aspect of the project that helped us learn more about sound, was that each of our different types of instruments must be able to play three different notes on pitch and it will need to be loud enough to record the sound. Lastly, our instruments had to have an original and creative appearance, not replicating any existing instruments.

The process of creating my instrument was quite long. I began by brainstorming ideas of how I would create the string, percussion, and wind aspects of my instrument. I decided that my string would be sort of like the strings of a guitar, where I would strum the strings with my hand to create sound. Then I decided that my percussion would be sort of like drums, where I would use a stick to hit the surface in order to create sound. Finally I decided that my wind would be sort of like a flute, where I blow into a tube like structure to create sound. The next step was figuring out how I was going to put these instruments together into one. Something that helped was sketching out my visions of what I wanted my instrument to look like. Once I had a clear idea, I started gathering materials for my instrument prototype. This part was challenging because it was difficult finding substitution materials that replicated the sound of real instruments. In addition, they had to be items I could find and didn't have to buy. In the end, I found that rubber bands worked as my strings, a metal cover worked as my drum/percussion, and straws worked as my flute/wind. When building the instrument, I decided that a cardboard Ziploc bag box would be my base. As I constantly rebuilt and tested my prototype, I found ways to rearrange the parts and improve the sound of my instrument. After I finished with the final product, it was time for the test. The test consisted of recording the three different pitches of each part of my instrument, then answering a question to test my knowledge of what I learned during this unit.

I feel really confident and proud about this piece of work. I believe that my instrument is well made and thought through. The final product took a lot of work to make with all of the building and testing that I had to do in order to perfect my instrument. Some parts of my instrument that I particularly enjoy is the strings and wind part of my instrument. I really like the strings because when I strum the rubber bands, it actually sounds like those of a guitar. I like the wind because I managed to create a homemade pan flute out of straws. When I blow into the open end of the straws, it makes loud whistled sounds that are on pitch. I enjoy playing these parts of my instrument. However, the part that I enjoy about my instrument as a whole, is that each part of my instrument works well. Each part of my instrument, whether it be the strings, percussion, or wind, accurately replicate the sound of the real musical instrument. Of course this considers the given materials that I was required to use. The only part of my instrument that I didn't enjoy was the fact that my instrument was plain. I wish that I had decorated it or painted the base to cover the original design.

I didn't really create my instrument the way my classmates made their instruments. The final product of my instrument didn't look like the others. Most of my classmates made their instruments with the wind being a pipe. In my case, I used straws as my wind. In addition, those of my classmates who used pipes made their instruments revolving around it, where the pipe was the base of the instruments. However, I used a cardboard box as my base. After observing most of my classmate's final product instruments, I believe that I am the only person who used a cardboard box the way that I did. Some of my classmates also used a cylinder container, such as a pringles container, as their base. The similarities I had in my instrument that I shared with my classmates is that the wind aspect of my instrument was the same as many others. Those that didn't use pipes as their wind, used straws made into a pan flute or used straws to make a regular flute. Almost all of my classmates also used rubber bands as their strings. This is mainly because rubber bands were the only thing we could use.

Looking back at the final product of my instrument, the only thing that I would change or improve upon is the decoration. My instrument ended up looking quite unappealing. The glue and tape that held it together was clearly shown everywhere. In addition, I used a Ziploc bag box as the base of my instrument and the design of that was still shown on the outside of my instrument. With this in mind, I would definitely want to improve the appearance of my instrument. If I had a chance to do this project over again, I would keep all the functions and arrangements of my instrument the same, the only thing that I would change would be to take time to decorate the piece. I would probably cover the outside with paper or even paint it. This extra step would hide the original designs of the materials I used and would make my instrument look more professional, neat, and more attractive overall.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Waves - 3/25/18

Waves involve the transport of energy without actually transporting matter. In fact, some waves require matter while other waves don't. In addition, there are two different types of waves. This includes Mechanical waves and Electromagnetic waves. A Mechanical wave is a wave that is an oscillation of matter, and therefore transferring energy through a medium. Mechanical waves can travel through matter in the form of a solid, liquid, or gas. An Electromagnetic wave is a wave that can travel through the vacuum of outer space, therefore Electromagnetic waves don't travel through the movement of molecules. Electromagnetic waves work by carrying transverse vibrations in electrical and magnetic fields. The obvious difference between the two types of waves is that Mechanical waves require matter to transfer energy because the wave travels from molecule to molecule, vibrating the matter and causing them to bump into each other. While Electromagnetic waves don't require matter to transfer energy given that the wave travels through vibrations in electrical and magnetic fields. 

S&EP - SP1: Asking questions and defining problems

I formulate testable questions when I observed the worksheet that was assigned to the class and read over the questions that I would need to answer. This worksheet contained articles and boxes where I needed to annotate the text. To annotate, I answered questions on the text that I read, wrote down notes that summarized the text, and wrote down connections or questions that I had. I established what is already known about the articles and text that I read by answering the questions that were being asked when I found the answer and wrote down annotations about the text in the boxes provided. I determine what questions have yet to be answered when I looked back over the questions on the worksheet and figured out what questions I hadn't found the answer to yet or the questions I was confused on. In addition, by going through the packet once more, I could see which boxes I didn't fill and add on to previous things I had written.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sound - 3/11/18
Sound is a vital part of life on Earth. Sound is everywhere, it surrounds us whether we prefer it or not. But have you ever took a second to deeply analyze sound and where it comes from? How it travels to your ears? How do sounds, sound different? Well to start off, Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. These vibrations that travel through the air or another medium, can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. In addition, vibrations are caused by the movement of air particles. These air particles bump into the particles close to them, which makes them vibrate. Thus causing them to bump into more air particles. This movement of air particles is known as sound waves. The process of vibrations in sound waves keeps going until they run out of energy. Now let's talk about the different parts of a sound wave. The highest point on a wave slope is referred to as the crest. The lowest point on a wave slope is referred to as the trough. A sound wave can be measured by its amplitude. The amplitude is the distance from the middle of a wave slope to either the crest or the trough. Lastly, the length between the same exact point on two waves is referred to as the wavelength. How you hear the sound, is if your ears are in range of these vibrations. Sound waves can create different sounds depending on the frequency of its vibrations. When the vibrations are fast, it gives off a high note when heard by your ears. In contrast, when the vibrations are slow, it creates a low note when heard. The frequency is another way a sound wave can be measured.

S&EP - SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations

I identified questions to be investigated when I asked which bottles filled with different amounts of water, would make a sound that is more high pitched or low pitched. In addition, I asked this question to determine the order in which the bottles would be placed from highest pitch to lowest pitch. I asked these questions for both experiments. The experiments included tests of making sounds by blowing across each bottle and hitting each individual bottle. I identified my variables and controls of the experiments. The controlled variables were that all bottles in the experiment were almost identical (all being glass bottles of the same size and the same shape), all bottles were being blown across or hit the same way, all bottles were filled with water, and all bottles were set on the same surface. The manipulated variable is the different amounts of water in each bottle because no bottle had the same amount of water, some had more or less water than others. I designed and performed experiments to test my hypotheses. I thought that the bottles would have the same reaction with pitches in both experiments and the evidence I tested did not support it. My evidence proved that with the first experiment, the more water in the bottles made the sound more low pitched when being blown across. On the other hand, in the other experiment the more water in the bottles made the sound more high pitched. The reason being is sound travels faster through solids or liquids than air. So when the bottle is hit, the water is being vibrated and sound travels faster. But when the bottle is blown across, the sound is reflected off the water and is caused by vibrations in the air molecules.

Monday, February 26, 2018

WAC: Is Music in the Classroom a Distraction or Study Tool? - 2/30/18

Ariel Thongkham
Science 8A
Mrs. Redifer

Is Music in the Classroom a Distraction or Study Tool?

          In this day and age where technology has become essential to society as a whole, it seems that every student has access to a mobile device. Access to a mobile device gives students the capability to easily obtain music softwares, such as iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, etc. This privilege that students possess, encourage the integration of music in the classroom. Currently, students and teachers have found creative ways to use music as a study tool. Music is able to change the way you feel, which acts as an advantage while you are studying. When it comes to teaching about the past, an American History teacher found it helpful to play music from the era her students were studying. The music affected her students' emotions in a way that helped them deeply connect to the era on a spiritual level. In addition, she discovered that classical music changed her students' emotions by making them calm and focused on their work. Certain genres of music can also stimulate your mood, which results in a better performance. When students are feeling fatigue, they tend to be too tired to complete assignments to the best of their ability. However, when listening to certain music that boosts their energy with excitement, it can cause them to do work to their fullest potential. Although music is very beneficial to student learning, it is important that students are listening to the right music while studying.

            Do particular genres of music change the way you feel? Music has the ability to affect your emotions in a way that can be beneficial to student learning. An article titled "Music in the Classroom: Distraction or Study Tool" discusses an interview with American history teacher, Katie Chester, at Empire High School in Tucson, Arizona. Upon being asked about her thoughts of music in the classroom, Ms. Chester responded by saying, "For history, we do music of the time period to get a more emotional look at the era. Plus classical stuff helps [the class] calm down and focus". When Ms. Chester's 5th period American History class was learning about the 50's era, she played music from the 50's era while they were studying. She discovered that as the students listened to music from the era they were studying, it helped them become more spiritual toward the era and even have a deeper connection to that time. As a result, students were more eager and wanted to learn which helped them get a better education. In addition to this, when students weren't learning about a different era with predominantly different music, Ms. Chester played classical music for her class. Classical music brings tranquility to the classroom which aids the class to calm down. Thus encouraging them to focus on what they are doing.

            Along with affecting your emotions, listening to the right song can stimulate and help boost your mood, essentially causing you to ameliorate your performance. According to the article titled, "Music in the Classroom: Distraction or Study Tool" it states that, "When you hear something you like, it heightens your arousal and mood, which improves performance". Especially with pop culture and up beat songs, people tend to have uplifted excitement upon listening to them. This increase in energy can be so critical to student performance. For example, if students are taking a test or completing an assignment with fatigue, it can greatly effect their performance. Most times when students and people in general feel lethargic, they don't want to do anything and incline to give up on what they are doing. In addition, feeling tiredness also results in the person not concentrating on tasks they need to complete. However if they listen to songs that enliven their spirits, they'll become more energetic and will be motivated to finish the task at hand. Plus, being more awake with a positive mood always helps you focus. So it is important for students to tailor the correct song for studying. Their personal, ideal song should activate their emotions in a way that makes them feel more cheerful and alive. Furthermore, it should inspire them to concentrate and complete what needs to be done.

            The opposing side of this argument believes that music acts as a distraction rather than a tool in the classroom. In an article titled "Why You Shouldn't Listen to Music While Studying" it explores research and tests taken by the University of Wales Institute that discovered, "Participants performed worst while listening to music, regardless of whether they liked that music". Researchers instructed 25 participants to memorize, and later recall, a list of letters in order. Participants were tested under various conditions that include listening to quiet music, music that they said they enjoyed, music they said they didn't enjoy, a voice repeating the number three, and a voice reciting random single-digit numbers. The results of the study led to the idea that "Music may impair cognitive abilities when you're trying to memorize things in order, because you may get thrown off by the changing words and notes in your chosen song". Although studies do prove this claim to be true, previous studies have found benefits to listening to music before performing a task.  In the same article "Why You Shouldn't Listen to Music While Studying" it says, "Listening to background music prior to task performance increases cognitive processes, such as attention and memory, through the mechanism of increasing arousal and positive mood". So while lyrical music may be a distraction to some when engaging in a task, listening to music before engaging in a task is helpful. In addition the research only supports how lyrical music affects your memorization. Thus leading to the idea that listening to music while completing tasks not requiring memorization, may be fine.

             The escalation of mobile devices and access to online software or applications, has given students the privilege to listen to music in the classroom. In order to use music as a study tool, it is essential that the proper music is played for it to be beneficial in student learning and performance. For music that is played in the classroom, classical songs tend to make students serene. Moreover, classical music makes students focus on what they need to accomplish. If students are learning about times of the past or different cultures, it is helpful to play music of the era or culture they are studying. Listening to this type of music, assists students to have emotional look on what they are learning and have a deeper understanding. Students are able to focus, connect, and understand the material they are being taught depending on different genres of music, because music is able to change your emotions. Adding on to this idea, certain genres of music can change the way students feel by increasing their arousal and mood. Upon listening to pop songs, student energy levels correlate with the upbeat tunes. This can be necessary when students are feeling too tired to complete work to the best of their ability. However, pop and upbeat music can help awaken these students and as a result, they will put their full potential to the task at hand. Recent studies show that lyrical music acts as a distraction while memorializing material. Instead, it is more advantageous to listen to lyrical music before performing memorization tasks. Lastly, students should tailor music that works for them. No matter what research proves, it is important that students listen to music that genuinely helps them in the classroom.